Mittwoch, 21. September 2011

Parkour In Hong Kong

Which happy day, I was invited to train with the HK Parkour Association!

Parkour was part of my daily life in Germany and it was always fun to train with my team at the weekend or go out for dinner with them! Over here I really missed that feeling of zero gravity when you close a gap with a precision-jump and the state of  high concentration when you conceive a sequel of moves. But I am back, there is a fairly active team over here which invites everyone to train with them on Tuesday nights.
Hopefully the training sessions will become more frequent as soon as I get to know some other guys better. My overall fitness and particular my endurance has to be improved before I can start to train more serious again though.

Maybe I will take some pictures next time. This week we only did conditioning for two hours straight therefore I  feel really sore and did not have the urge to take pictures.

In this spirit, I am looking forward to another intense workout session next week.

In the end, the link to their website: